Faxter Terraform Reference

1. faxter_project

Use Case

A Faxter Project is the logical grouping of resources and billing. You need a project (unless you’re using the default project) to create servers, networks, etc.

Schema Reference

  • name (String, Required): The name of the project.

Note: you are required to top-up or fund the project’s account before creating other resources.


resource "faxter_project" "example" {
  name = "my-cool-project"

2. faxter_server

Use Case

A Faxter Server is a virtual machine. You can set its flavor, image, networks, volumes, and security groups, as well as inject cloud_init.

Schema Reference

  • project (String, Optional, defaults to "default"): Project name in which the server is created.
  • name (String, Required): Unique name of the server.
  • key_name (String, Required): The SSH key name associated with this server (must exist in Faxter).
  • flavor (String, Optional, defaults to "copper"): The server size/flavor (e.g., "copper", "silver", "gold", etc.).
  • image (String, Optional, defaults to "Ubuntu2204"): The OS image for the VM.
  • security_groups (List of String, Optional, defaults to [ "default" ]): One or more security groups to apply.
  • request_floating_ip (Bool, Optional, defaults to true): Whether or not to auto-assign a floating/public IP.
  • cloud_init (String, Optional, defaults to ""): The user-data for cloud-init. Can be loaded via file("cloud_init.yaml").
  • networks (List of String, Optional, defaults to [ "public1" ]): Which networks to attach.
  • sub_networks (List of String, Optional), used in place of networks to specify subnet name that the server will connected to
  • volumes (List of String, Optional, defaults to []): Which volumes to attach.
  • status (String, Computed): The current status of the server (e.g., online, paused, terminated).
  • ip_addresses (List of String, Computed): The IP addresses assigned to the server.


resource "faxter_server" "example" {
  project   = "default"
  name      = "my-server"
  key_name  = "my-ssh-key"
  flavor    = "copper"
  image     = "Ubuntu2204"
  networks  = ["public1"]
  security_groups = ["default"]
  cloud_init = file("${path.module}/cloud_init.yaml")

3. faxter_ssh_key

Use Case

Manages SSH Keys in Faxter so you can associate them with servers for passwordless SSH access.

Schema Reference

  • project (String, Optional, defaults to "default"): Which project this key belongs to.
  • name (String, Required): Name of the SSH key (must be unique within the project).
  • public_key (String, Required, Sensitive): The actual public key content (e.g., ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2E...).


resource "faxter_ssh_key" "example" {
  project    = "default"
  name       = "my-ssh"
  public_key = "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQ..."

4. faxter_network

Use Case

A Faxter Network is a private network (VPC-like) that can contain one or more subnets. Servers can attach to these networks for isolation and internal communication.

Schema Reference

  • project (String, Optional, defaults to "default"): The project in which this network is created.
  • name (String, Required): Unique name of the network.
  • subnets (List of Objects, Required): List of subnets to create within this network. Each element has:
    • name (String, Required): The subnet’s name.
    • cidr (String, Required): The CIDR block for the subnet (e.g., "").
    • gateway (String, optional): The gateway IP address (e.g. "")
    • static_routes (List of Objects, optional): Each element has:
      • destination (String, Required): The CIDR of the destination
      • nexthop (String, Required): IP address of next hop


resource "faxter_network" "example" {
  project = "my-project"
  name    = "private-network"

  subnets {
    name = "subnet1"
    cidr = ""
  subnets {
    name = "subnet2"
    cidr = ""

5. faxter_router

Use Case

A Faxter Router connects one or more internal networks/subnets to an external/public network. Allows traffic routing to/from the internet or between networks.

Schema Reference

  • project (String, Optional, defaults to "default"): The project in which the router is created.
  • name (String, Required): Unique name of the router.
  • connect_external (Bool, Optional, defaults to true): Whether the router should connect to an external/public network.
  • subnets (List of String, Required): Names of the subnets or networks to attach.


resource "faxter_router" "example" {
  project          = "my-project"
  name             = "my-router"
  connect_external = true
  subnets          = [

6. faxter_security_group

Use Case

A Faxter Security Group defines firewall rules for controlling inbound (ingress) and outbound (egress) traffic to servers.

Schema Reference

  • project (String, Required): Project in which the security group is created.
  • name (String, Required): Unique name of the security group.
  • rules (List of Objects, Optional): Defines traffic rules. Each element can have:
    • protocol (String, Optional, defaults to "tcp").
    • port_range_min (Int, Optional): Start of port range.
    • port_range_max (Int, Optional): End of port range.
    • direction (String, Optional, defaults to "ingress"): ingress or egress.
  • remote_ip_prefix (String, Optional, defaults to ""): Allowed source/destination CIDR.
  • remote_group_id (String, Optional): If referencing another security group instead of a CIDR.
  • ether_type (String, Optional, defaults to "IPv4").


resource "faxter_security_group" "db_sg" {
  project = "my-project"
  name    = "db-sg"

  rules {
    protocol         = "tcp"
    port_range_min   = 3306
    port_range_max   = 3306
    direction        = "ingress"
    remote_group_id  = "web-sg"  # Only allow traffic from 'web-sg' group

7. faxter_volume

Use Case

A Faxter Volume is a block storage device that can be attached to a server for persistent data.

Schema Reference

  • project (String, Required): Project to place this volume.
  • name (String, Required): Unique name of the volume.
  • storage (Int, Required): The size of the volume (in GB or whichever unit your API uses).


resource "faxter_volume" "db_volume" {
  project = "my-project"
  name    = "db-data"
  storage = 100
  1. faxter_loadbalancer

Use Case

A Faxter Load Balancer distributes incoming traffic across multiple backend servers, optionally assigning a floating IP, attaching to certain networks, etc.

Schema Reference

  • project (String, Optional, defaults to "default").
  • name (String, Required): Unique LB name.
  • port (Int, Optional, defaults to 80): The port on which the LB listens.
  • networks (List of String, Optional, defaults to [ "public1" ]): Networks the LB is attached to.
  • key_name (String, Optional): If the LB runs in a VM-based manner and needs an SSH key.
  • request_floating_ip (Bool, Optional, defaults to true): If it should have a public floating IP.
  • ssl_enabled (Bool, Optional, defaults to false): Whether SSL termination is enabled.
  • servers (List of Objects, Optional, defaults to []): The backend servers or endpoints. Each server has
  • ip (string, ip address, e.g. "")
  • port (int port number, e.g. 80)
  • endpoint (string, path for healthcheck, e.g. "/")
  • security_groups (List of String, Optional, defaults to [ "default" ]): Security groups applied to the LB.
  • status (String, Computed): The load balancer’s current status if returned by the API.


resource "faxter_loadbalancer" "example" {
  project   = "my-project"
  name      = "frontend-lb"
  port      = 443
  ssl_enabled        = true
  key_name           = "my-lb-ssh-key"
  request_floating_ip = true
  networks = ["public1"]
  servers  = {
    ip = ""
    port = "8080
    endpoint "/"
  servers  = {
    ip = ""
    port = "8080
    endpoint "/"
  security_groups = ["default", "web-sg"]

  // status is computed